Celebrating health

Commit to be fit

In the process of losing weight and staying fit, women often end up making mistakes like eating too less, not working out as per their body type and expecting instant results,yet body fitness is a slow and tedious task.It is essential to concentrate on having a balanced diet comprising all the nutrients, and compliment it with regular workouts by making exercise a fun activity.

Maintaining fitness helps us feel and look more slim.But other than that, there are many reasons we should struggle to keep our fitness in-check.

Staying physically fit helps to strengthen the heart, respiratory and mental functions.

Staying physically fit can aid a woman in every moves made throughout the day,Whether reaching up while stacking shelves or bending down to pick up children.

Women are busier today than ever and many may think they don’t have time for exercise. 30 minutes of exercise each day is all it takes to stay in shape. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym.

For more detailed information about why women need to stay active, you can refer to this link.

Here are a few tips for women who don't have enough time for workout to help them stay fit

  1. A healthy breakfast is a must

    Out of all the three-time meals, breakfast is the most important one which should be light, healthy and nutritious. Choose food that is rich in fiber, protein, calcium, vitamins, and glucose as it provides energy for the entire day, fulfilling the requirements of the body.

    A healthy breakfast
  2. Replace junk food with healthy snacking

    The very first rule of maintaining a fit body is to remove unhealthy junk and oily food from their daily routine as it will affect your exercise routine and immune system. So switching to healthy snacking rich in protein, calcium, fats, carbs, minerals, and fiber will help in maintaining weight and reducing the risk of several diseases.

    Healthy snacks
  3. Follow a structured exercise pattern

    One should prepare a structured exercise pattern to be followed daily with simple exercises like walking, running to tone the body. It is advised that women should exercise for at least three hours in a week to reach their fitness goal.

    Running is a very good exercise
  4. Keep your body hydrated

    When we exercise we lose a lot of sweat for which water is the best source that revives the body with immense energy for the day. Drinking water in regular intervals will help you avoid dehydration leading to a healthier you.The amount of water recommended per day for a woman is 3 litres.

  5. Cut out the carbs

    Women should avoid refined carb-rich foods like cookies, chocolates, honey and white rice as they spike your blood sugar level, produce more insulin and increase the amount of fat in your body. Therefore the daily diet should extensively be rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins.

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